Disturbances (4)

Linje 20, 100 kan för tillfället inte trafikera Gate 1 och 2. Resande hänvisas till Gate 7 Detta gäller from 16/09 Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Med start den 29/8-2024 kl 12:00 Hållplats Röbäck Centrum tillfälligt flyttad till Härvelvägen. Detta påverkar linje 9, 55, 105, 130 & 133. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
Linje 122, 123, 124 kan från och med 2023-10-30 inte trafikera hållplats Himmelska Fridens Torg & Trädgårdsgatan. Resande hänvisas till den tillfälliga hållplatsen Järnvägsgatan, som är placerad vid korsningen Järnvägsgatan och Trädgårdsgatan. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Disturbances (3)

Med start den 29/8-2024 kl 12:00 Hållplats Röbäck Centrum tillfälligt flyttad till Härvelvägen. Detta påverkar linje 9, 55, 105, 130 & 133. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.
From. 8/10. Kommer Linje 9 inte kunna trafikera hållplats Elevstråket . Resande hänvisas till hållplats Assistentvägen. Länstrafiken i Västerbotten kundservice 0771-100 110.

Delay compensation and complaints Ultra

In the event of major delays or when something has gone wrong, you can apply for compensation or complaints.

Compensation is  based on the length of the route of the vehicle you are travelling with.
For journeys within Umeå urban area, the Public Transport Passengers' Rights Act (2015:953) applies.

Terms and conditions for delay compensation

If you are delayed by more than 20 minutes, we will compensate you through our delay compensation, where the ticket price will be refunded as follows:

20 – 39 minutes 50% of the ticket price for the journey
40 – 59 minutes 75% of the ticket price for the journey
60 minutes or more 100% of the ticket price for the journey
The passenger is not entitled to compensation for delay if the delay has been caused by circumstances that the carrier could not have avoided or prevented the consequences of (Force Majeure) even if the carrier had exercised the care required by the circumstances.

If you travel with a school card and are delayed, no delay compensation will be paid, only compensation for other transport.

Possibility of other transport

If there is a delay or that a trip is cancelled (for whatever reason) where you will be at least 20 minutes late to your final destination, you always have the opportunity to arrange your trip yourself, with your own car, taxi or other transport and take the cost of it. 
You can then apply for reimbursement of your expenses afterwards. You can do this further down on this page. 

When reimbursing taxi journeys, the maximum compensation is:

SEK 1,433 per receipt for journeys made in 2024.
SEK 1,312.5 per receipt for trips made in 2023.
If there are several of you who share the cost of a taxi, you must pay separately and each receive a receipt in order to receive compensation.

In order to receive compensation for taxis or other transport, the receipt must always be sent in the original to: 

Länstrafiken i Västerbotten AB
Box 158
901 04 Umeå

When compensating for your own car, compensation of SEK 25 per mile is paid.
If you travel in your own car, the maximum compensation (regardless of how many people went with you) is:

SEK 1,433 for trips made in 2024.
SEK  1,312.5 for trips made in 2023.
Compensation will not be paid if planned changes are announced at least 3 days before the travel date on our website. 
You cannot apply for both delay compensation and reimbursement of expenses.

Complaints and compensation

We want to receive your complaint within 2 months after you completed your trip. 
If, for some reason, you have been prevented from submitting your complaint within 2 months, you should do so as soon as you can and explain in your application why you were unable to make a complaint about the trip earlier.

Apply for delay compensation and complaints

Please note that the bus card number always needs to be stated if you have travelled on a bus card.
Single tickets, taxi receipts or receipts for other expenses must be submitted in original to Länstrafiken.

You can also send in your complaint via e-mail: reklamation@tabussen.nu, 
write a letter to Länstrafiken i Västerbotten, Box 158, 90104 Umeå 
or call in your complaint to customer service on 0771- 100 110.

Länstrafiken i Västerbotten does not reimburse any consequential costs in the event of a delay, such as parking fees for your own car, the cost of missed doctor's appointments or lost income.